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Fibers Of FaithCindy McNutt-Kaestner
Mixed Media Fiber Artist

And Then There's...
Quilted wall hangings

Click thumbnail to see its detail and artist's statement


                                                        "The Womb of God"
48"w x 58"h
                                                                           Hand marbled, hand dyed, and commercial
                                                                              fabrics, beads, pigma pen, and batting.
                                                                              Hand pieced, hand appliqued, machine quilted.
                                                                              Has some 3D effects.






   "The Face"
30" x 43"
ndy Warhol style art quilt composed of
         multi-colored commercial fabrics that have
           been run through a printer.
          Original photograph by Leslie Centner
          of Portland, Oregon.

     Private Collection (Contact me concerning commissions of private portraits)



                                                           "Hope for the Irises"      
41”W  x  58”H
Hand marbled fabric, hand dyed fabric,
                                                                    commercial fabric, pigma pen, batting,
                                                                    threads, adhesives. Raw edge machine

                                                                $2,235 USD



  "The Earth is Full of God's Glory"
       30"w x 56"h
      A "hidden" angel can be seen above the flowers in this
         "watercolor" style of quilt design. Commercial fabric,
         beads, extensive machine embroidery with various
         colored threads, batting.

    $1,650 USD





                                                            There Be Demons and Dragons;
                                                                      There Be God!"
 43"w x 35"h
                                                                             Hand dyed, and commercial fabrics, beads,
                                                                                 buttons, adhesive, heavily embroidered with
                                                                                 various colored threads, quilted.

                                                                             $1,540 USD



 "Into The Center"
      31"w x 31"h
        Hand-dyed, Batik, and commercial fabric, thread, batting
      $795 (USD)




                                                     "Ladies and Gentlemen,
                                                       Elvis Has Left the Building"
Hand dyed fabrics, hand-made paper envelopes,
                                                                             "found" pages of an old Elvis desk calendar,
                                                                             buttons, beads, crystals, various colored threads,
                                                                             novelty yarn, netting, cord, batting

                                                                       $325 (USD) SOLD!


   "In the Beginning"
      12”w x 12”h x 2”d
      Hand felted wool roving that has been quilted,
        embroidered with various colors of threads,
        and then permanently mounted on artist's
        canvas stretched on
        wooden board.

    $145 USD




                                           "Ashley's Ecstasy"
38”w  x 52”h
                                                             Small pieces of commercial fabric with adhesive,
                                                                 quilted with various threads.

                                                 Private Collection (Contact me concerning commissions of private portraits)



    "I'm Not At This Address!"
  50"w x 40"h
          Photos printed on fabric, hand-marbled fabric,
               commercial fabric, jewelry, leather strips,
               antique embroidered pillow cases, Pigma
               pen, Stitch-N-Shape, Steam-A-Seam,
               thread, batting. Burning utensil used to
               burn fabric

         Private collection  (Contact me concerning commissions of private portraits)


                                                          "Out of Chaos Comes...."
                                                                                 36"w x 34"h
                                                                                 Hand-felted wool, Swarovski Crystals, beads,
                                                                                      Stitch-N-Shape, thread, batting 

                                                                              $1,350 USD   SOLD!


   "The Wisdom of Brooke"
             57"w x 43"h
             Photos printed on fabric, commercial "theme" fabric,
                   Pigma pen, thread, Stitch-N-Shape, batting

             Private collection


                                 "And I Laughed"
36”w  x 58”h
                                               Small pieces of commercial fabric with adhesive, hand-marbled fabric,
                                                   beads, lace, and quilted with various threads.

                                              Private Collection



     Into the Forest
Hand marbled and commercial fabrics. Heavily
          emboidered and quilted with the Lord's Prayer.






                                                         The Tree of Life
 56"w x 80"h
                                                           Commercial fabrics, thread, batting. Creative
                                                              embellishments in ordinary no. 2 pencil by my
                                                              3 1/2 year old daughter Heather

                                                           Private Collection



  Rich's Favorite
Silk ribbon embroidery, cording, velvet,
       other commercial fabrics, threads, batting

     Private Collection